Mission Team

Our Mission Team in 2017 was blessed this past year with an 8.25% commitment from our Church family through donations to provide funds Here, Across the Street, and Around the World.  We were able to meet all of our budgeted and planned donations plus additional organizations.  Below is an outline of where Missions funds were spent from January through December 2018 (a total of $29,920.00).  



Alpha’s Glory ($500) - a non-profit ministry providing services for pregnancy and pregnancy loss; supporting moms, dads, and infants; and compassionately presenting Biblical truth resulting in changed lives.


Anna’s House ($500) - provides transitional and permanent housing for homeless women and children in Harford County, and helps them on the road to self-sufficiency.


FCCAU/Welcome One Shelter ($800) - the only full-service emergency homeless shelter in Harford County, Welcome One is operated by Faith Communities and Civic Agencies United (FCCAU), a charitable organization supported by churches, faith-based groups, local businesses, foundations and government agencies. It provides a continuum of services designed to reduce homelessness in Harford County.


Grace Place ($1000) – hosted by St. John’s Episcopal Church in the parish hall, Grace Place offers a free meal for those who need it as well as a bag of groceries to take home for the week. Volunteers from all the Christian congregations in Havre de Grace support this worthy program.  HDGUMC supports once a month with food and volunteers as well as non-perishable items collected during the January/February “Souper Bowl” food drive.


Habitat for Humanity – Susquehanna ($1,000) - part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love and hope into action by constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes, advocating for fair and just housing policies, and providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions.


Harford Family House ($500) - the largest provider of transitional housing in Harford County, they are the only organization in our County capable of housing a whole family together, including a father, during the crisis of homelessness.


Harford Hope for the Homeless Alliance ($1200) – a coalition of the Harford County Government, businesses, and the faith community working together to help the homeless to wholeness. Each component of the Alliance brings a part of the solution - together, we can make an impact on the gaps of care! 

HDG UMC Christmas Project ($250) – Each year our staff at HDG UMC works with the local schools in Havre de Grace in finding families to support so they, too, will have a Merry Christmas.  Through the donations of many church members and the Mission Team, we have been able to support six families to provide items of need.


Helping Up Mission – Baltimore ($800) –helps men fighting addiction and homelessness get their lives back. The comprehensive recovery programs address root issues of substance abuse and poverty. As one man is healed, Greater Baltimore is raised up.


Homecoming Project-Bel Air – ($500) – an eight bed, state certified half-way house for women recovering from alcohol and substance abuse.  The program offers services for recovery & life skills group, individual counseling, supporting the impacts on the entire family, education sessions, recreation, the 12-step program and case management.


Kairos Prison Ministry ($500) –Kairos is a lay-led, interdenominational Christian ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to prisoners and their families.  In 2018, we had two members of our church support this program. 


Manna House – Baltimore ($500) – it starts with breakfast-- provides the homeless and poor of Baltimore City with the assistance and support to move towards independence and stability by helping to transform people’s lives by feeding them first.


New Hope Christian Fellowship UMC (Outreach Ministry) ($1,750) – a Day Shelter for homeless folk in Harford County, located in Edgewood, they give hope to those who have lost all hope!  This is also the location for individuals who are part of the Emergency Rotating Shelter to spend the day during the winter months.  Our donation helps pay the utility bills.


Thanksgiving Community Dinner ($200) – provides a free dinner to those in Havre de Grace, Aberdeen, and Perryville


Susquehanna Ministerium ($1,000) - a group of many denominations joined together to provide ministry & mutual support for each other and those in need of help.


Summer Mission Trip ($1,500) – helped fund this group of missioners who, through TeamEffort, repaired a home for a family in Pennsylvania




Society of St. Andrew ($750) - an ecumenical, non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to leading others into lives of Christian community and service, and introducing people to God’s grace in Jesus Christ by meeting their hunger needs.


Red Bird Mission ($1,000) – provides education, health care and Christian evangelism ministries to   people in Appalachian KY.


Tree of Life ($1,000) – a ministry of service and presence raising awareness of Lakota culture and connecting with the Lakota Nation on Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota by serving body, mind, and soul.


Baltimore-Washington UMC Campership for West Virginia Children ($100) – The BW Conference asked each church in the conference to donate $100 to send a child to Camp Harmison.  Camp Harmison is a 50-acre natural woodland site in the picturesque mountains of Eastern West Virginia along Sleepy Creek.



BMTS Student Support ($2000) - The primary mission of the Baltic Methodist Theological School (BMTS), located in Tallian, Estonia, is to promote spiritual formation and provide applied higher theological education and in-service training tied to the needs of church and society in accordance with international requirements. The BMTS, located in Tallinn at the Baltic Mission Center, prepares Christian workers and leaders for positions of service in churches and Christian organizations.


Bibles for the World ($500) - a catalyst for individual and cultural change through Christ and the power of God’s Word by strategically distributing Bibles, investing in children through schools, networking and encouraging churches and national Christian leaders, and equipping such leaders through colleges and seminaries in India.


Children of Zion Village ($1,000) - a Christian home for 57 orphans in the southern African nation of Namibia.  


China Outreach ($1000) - shares Christ’s love with Chinese students and scholars on North American campuses, reaching them with the Good News and helping them become Christian leaders who share their faith with others.


Christar ($1000) – The LeBlancs and the Butlers use their God-given gifts and skills to share the Good News with refugees in Asia Minor; their passion is to go to those not yet counted in the eternal roll call of nations. 


Sillamae Pastor’s Salary ($6,000) – provides the salary for Pastor Vladimir Beregovoi of Grace United Methodist Church in Sillamäe, Estonia, an indigenous Russian-speaking congregation planted by a neighboring congregation 


Dr. Albert Willicor ($2,500) - a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church Global Health initiative, he is Chief Medical Officer at Ganta United Methodist Hospital in Liberia.


We would love to have you join our Mission Team. Come help us make decisions about where donations are best needed to support the Missions of our church.   We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (except July) at 5:00pm in Mentzer Parlor.