
Lenten Sermon Series


February 4

Celebration of Holy Communion

I Corinthians 8:1-13; Luke 13:10-17

"Love Rules"


February 11

Transfiguration Sunday

We recall Jesus' transfiguration before his journey to Jerusalem and the Cross and our journey through Lent Scout Sunday: We celebrate the ministries of Scouting through Boys Scouts of America.

II Kings 2:1-12; Mark 9:2-9

"Life, Death and Questions!"


February 14

Ash Wednesday

Joel 2:1-2, 12-13; II Corinthians 5:20b-6:2

"The Warm Heart of Jesus"

Service of Ashes and Holy Communion, 1 PM & 7 PM

We are reminded of our sin and mortality, and of our redemption in Jesus Christ our Savior. Ash Wednesday begins the 40-day season on penitence and preparation for Easter (Sundays are excluded) as we journey through the Last Supper and Good Friday Lent Sermon Series: "Faces at the Cross" will be based on a study of various figures connected with the Crucifixion of Christ. What do these folk reveal about us and our faith-journeys?


February 18

First Sunday in Lent

John 11:47-53; 18:12-14

"Caiaphas: Loss"


February 25

Second Sunday in Lent

Luke 22:54-62; Mark 15:6-15

"Pilate and Peter: Fear"


March 3

Celebration of Holy Communion

Third Sunday in Lent

John 10:27-33; 11:1-16; 19:25b-27

"John and Thomas: Faithfulness"


March 10

Fourth Sunday in Lent

UMCOR Sunday: We receive a Special Offering to support the administrative costs of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, allowing 100% of gifts for particular disasters or programs to go those causes. UMCOR goes anywhere in the world where disasters are to address the needs of "Relief, Refugees and the Root causes of poverty & hunger."

Girl Scout Sunday: We celebrate the ministry of Girl Scouting.

Mark 15:21, 40-41; John 19:38-42

"Simon, Salome and Nicodemus: Service"


March 17

Fifth Sunday in Lent

St. Patrick’s Day

Mark 15:6-13; Luke 23:33-43

"Barabbas and the Criminals: Choice"

March 24

Palm-Passion Sunday

We remember both the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as folk welcomed him as king and the crucifixion of Jesus only days later as King of the Jews.

Mark 11:1-11; Matthew 27:45-54

"The Centurion: Wonder!"

Our children will participate in a Palm Sunday processional in 11 AM worship.


March 28

Maundy Thursday

Celebration of the Lord's Supper and Tenebrae Service - 7 PM

We recall The Last Supper and the events that led up to Christ's crucifixion. Tenebrae (or Service of Shadows) uses reading from the Gospel of John to enter into the Passion of Christ.


March 29

Good Friday

Way of the Cross - Noon

We start from, and return to, David Craig Park as we carry the cross through Havre de Grace with readings and hymns to mark the day; sponsored by Susquehanna Ministerium.


March 31

Easter - The Festival of the Resurrection

Sunrise Service at Tydings Park - 6:30 AM

We welcome the Day of Resurrection with our siblings in faith from First Christian Church at the bandstand.

John 20:1-18: "Jesus Knows My Name"

Resurrection Day Services - 8:15 and 11 AM

Mark 16:1-8: "Who Will Roll Away the Stone?"

Looking Ahead in Worship: Easter Cantata - Jesus! The Resurrection of the Messiah - to be presented at 3 PM on Saturday, April 13 and 11 AM on Sunday, April 14.